Towel essentials to keep in mind

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For those of you who are not towel experts, the first thing you need to know that different towels have different purposes and they need to have different fabrics and weaving methods.

Surface area of a towel is one of the key factors that determines absorbency. Cotton towels are best for hands and bodies, while linen towels are best for dishes and glassware.

The best quality towels you will find are most of the time made out of long and thin cotton fibre. The highest quality towels usually have Egyptian, Turkish or Brazilian cotton as their main material.

You can look out for good deals but if you want good quality, it will cost you more. It is as simple as that really. But you need to remind yourself that good quality towels will last longer, so in the long run will save you money as you won’t need to buy a new one very often. Have you heard of the saying “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things”? 

You also need to consider the size of the towel. If you're tall or large, make sure you get a towel big enough to cover yourself. This will make drying a lot easier.

The feeling you get when you touch your towel is very important! If your towel has a soft, silky feel to it, it is probably good quality. However if it is prickly and doesn’t feel like you’d like to hug it after a warm shower, it is definitely not high quality! In other words, do not buy the pound-shop towels! 

Last tip from us is that it’s probably a good idea for you to get a similar colour towel as your bathroom decorations or summer clothes.

Luf handmade Turkish towels are 100% cotton, super absorbent and compact. They also come in lots of different colours and styles. Ticks every box, right?

Happy Days!