What's in an ideal gym bag?

Luf turkish compact gym towel

You might go to the gym just for that one body pump class, a zen yoga session or just to hit the weights. Whatever your plan is for the gym that day, you will need to have the right gear with you to get the most out of your session. Below we wanted to share with you a quick list of the essentials that will help you to get through your gym sesh quickly and also have an easy packing-up when you are done.


Packing the perfect gym bag begins with finding the right bag for you. You will run into many ‘gym bag’s in the shops- some of them too small and most of them to darn big! Instead you might find having a backpack much easier for you. Much easier to carry and certainly in fashion these days. After you decide which bag to go for, double check the below list to make sure you are not missing anything:

1.     Refillable Water Bottle – For any intense workout session you must keep yourself hydrated! Make sure you always have your water bottle with you.


2.     Flip-Flops – You might think it’s a hassle to carry your flip-flops around but no matter how fancy your gym is, there probably still are ALL kinds of bacteria in the showers! Wear flip-flops to avoid infections.


3.     Snacks – Have a little pack of nuts or dried fruits with you to boost your energy levels up. Chances are that you will feel peckish before or after your workout and a workout on an empty stomach will quickly turn into torture!


4.     Luf Handmade Turkish Towel – Yes, some gyms give out free towels. However it is always handy to have your own in case they don't in your gym or if you are not happy with their towels. A Luf towel is absorbent, compact, and quick-dry so it won’t take too much space in your gym bag, and it will not be soaking wet along with all your other gym kit.


5.     Hand Sanitiser – People sweat, people have excess of all sorts of bodily fluids in the gym and this makes these environments not the most hygienic. Make sure you have a small bottle of these with you.


6.     Deodorant – Sounds basic but how many times have you forgot to put your deodorant in your bag and had to go back to the office with the risk of sweating like you are in a sauna? Many of us have but there is an easy solution. Just buy one small bottle for the gym bag!


7.     Bag for your shoe – You wear your shoes all day- streets, toilets, garden. You wouldn't want your shoes to be in contact with the rest of your stuff, do you? Just get a plastic bag and make sure you put your shoes in there to avoid getting everything else muddy and dirty.


8.     Gloves – Yes, you will probably lose at least a pair and yes, they do make you look like a douche. However they keep your hands nice and soft, and they also help your grip when you are doing weights.


9.     Band-Aids – This is for emergencies only but in case of blisters or any other small damage, you wouldn’t like to stop your workout, would you? Just put a little Band-Aid on and carry on!


10. Headphones – Another key component of any workout is music. We all have different rhythms and habits and we need our own music choices to motivate us during our workout. To enjoy this you will need to make sure not to forget your headphones!